SRCF Reboot
May 31st, 2018 at 11:57 PM
A shutdown of the Stanford Research Computing Facility (SRCF) is planned for Labor Day weekend, Saturday through Monday, September 1-3, due to the need for power system maintenance.
We will bring Sherlock down on Friday evening, August 31, and expect to bring it back up on Monday evening, September 3, 2018.
During that time, jobs will not run, file systems will not be available, and login nodes will be offline. All network connectivity to Sherlock will be interrupted.
Sherlock will not be available for login, to submit jobs or to access files.
We will place a reservation in the scheduler, so jobs won't be allowed to start if they don't have a chance to end before the downtime.
We know that this is a disruptive event, but power maintenance is a necessary operation, and all servers and equipment at the SRCF will need to be shut down, including the generators, when the power goes off. The Labor Day weekend was chosen for this event because it has consistently lower power use, implying lowest load at the SRCF.
Please see the SRCF reboot page for additional details, and don't hesitate to reach out if you have any question.