Sherlock joins the fight against COVID-19
March 16th, 2020 at 5:06 PM

At SRCC, we’ve been monitoring the COVID-19 situation very closely, and we are following all of the University guidance and recommendations[1] regarding social distancing and workplace adaptations. While we’re continuing to operate our services normally[2], we’ve implemented changes to minimize health risks: we’ve moved our office hours sessions online, and started online consultation appointments.
But we wanted to do more, mobilize our forces and try to contribute with the resources we have, at our own level.
This is why, starting immediately, we’ll be dedicating a portion of Sherlock’s resources to research projects related to COVID-19. If you’re working on such a project and need additional resources on Sherlock, please contact us at, with a quick description of your work, and we’ll coordinate access to those resources for you and your research team.
We would also like to call on Sherlock owners: if you have dedicated compute nodes on Sherlock, and would like to contribute some of those resources to this essential computing effort, please reach out!
Our mission is to support research, and with this initiative, we hope Sherlock will help time-critical projects to get to results faster, and contribute to the fight against this coronavirus.
We strongly encourage everyone to regularly consult and follow recommendations provided on, especially the latest Guidance for the research environment. ↩
for more information about SRCC’s continuity of support, please see ↩
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