Every fall for the last 30 years, the HPC community has gathered at SC, the International Conference for High Performance Computing Networking, Storage, and Analysis, and will meet again this year, for the SC19 conference, in Denver, CO (Nov. 17-22).

Stanford Research Computing and SLAC will be at the conference, to exchange with our peers at other institutions, meet vendors and present our activities in support of the Stanford/SLAC research community.

This is always an excellent opportunity to present real-world utilization of our computing resources and showcase amazing research projects that those resources enable.

If you’d like to have your work featured in the Stanford/SLAC booth, and would be willing to provide visual content (pictures or videos), please feel free contact us at srcc-support@stanford.edu with a few words about your research projects that were enabled by having computing and/or storage platforms at Stanford available to you. We’ll be very happy to showcase your work during this international conference and show the world what you all do.