Sherlock changelog

A new interactive step in Slurm

by Kilian Cavalotti, Technical Lead & Architect, HPC
A new version of the sh_dev tool has been released, that leverages a recently-added Slurm feature. Slurm 20.11 introduced a new“interactive step”, designed to be used with salloc to automatically launch a terminal on an allocated compute

3.3 PFlops: Sherlock hits expansion milestone

by Kilian Cavalotti, Technical Lead & Architect, High Performance Computing
Sherlock is a traditional High-Performance Computing cluster in many aspects. But unlike most of similarly-sized clusters where hardware is purchased all at once, and refreshed every few years, it is in constant evolution. Almost like a

New GPU options in the Sherlock catalog

by Kilian Cavalotti
Today, we're introducing the latest generation of GPU accelerators in the Sherlock catalog: the NVIDIA A100 Tensor Core GPU. Each A100 GPU features 9.7 TFlops of double-precision (FP64) performance, up to 312 TFlops for deep-learning...

New Sherlock on-boarding sessions

by Kilian Cavalotti
One of the most requested improvements around Sherlock services, that came out of our recent user survey, was for more documentation and more training. This is why, to help new users get familiar with Sherlock's computing environment...

Job #1

by Kilian Cavalotti
If you've been submitting jobs on Sherlock over the last couple days, you probably noticed something different about your your job ids... They lost a couple digits! If you submitted a job last week, its job id was likely in the 67,000...

Secure TensorBoard sessions with Sherlock OnDemand

by Kilian Cavalotti
If you're into machine learning (and who isn't these days?), you probably know all about TensorBoard already. If you don't, TensorBoard is TensorFlow's visualization toolkit. It provides the visualization and tooling needed for machine...

A newer, faster and better /scratch

by Kilian Cavalotti
As we just announced, Sherlock now features a brand new storage system for /scratch. But what was the old system, what does the new one look like, and how did the move happen? Read on to find out! The old Since its early days, Sherlock...

More (and easier!) GPU scheduling options

by Kilian Cavalotti
GPU scheduling is now easier and more powerful on Sherlock, with the addition of new job submission options especially targeted at GPU workloads. The most visible change is that you can now use the --gpus option when submitting jobs...

🎉 Job #50,000,000!

by Kilian Cavalotti
We just wanted to share that Sherlock recently ran job #50,000,000! 🎈🎉 This is a significant milestone since Sherlock, in its current form, started running its first job in January 2017. Fifty million jobs in less than 3 years is no...