Status info at login
by Kilian Cavalotti
If you recently logged in, you probably already noticed it: now, when you connect to Sherlock, you can see some new status information displayed right before your command prompt. New status information at login At login, you'll know...timestamp1539128040001
Running containers on Sherlock
by Kilian Cavalotti
Have you ever wanted to run Docker containers on Sherlock, and skip the hassle of figuring out your application dependencies, installing them, compiling the code, resolving compilation errors, finding missing libraries, or making sure...
You can now subscribe to Sherlock news and updates
by Kilian Cavalotti
You can now subscribe to Sherlock news and updates, and automatically receive an email notification when a new post is published here. To subscribe to Sherlock updates, follow the steps below: go to https://news.sherlock.stanford.edu...timestamp1532481060001
Sherlock now welcomes lab-contributed software
by Kilian Cavalotti
Have you ever spent hours compiling and tuning software, put together a complex workflow combining multiple software parts, or just installed the latest version of the brand new software tools you're developing on Sherlock? And wondered...timestamp1532122560001
MySQL on Sherlock
by Kilian Cavalotti
Have you ever wondered how you could use a database server on Sherlock? Or wanted to run jobs that query data from a SQL database? Or even better, multiple jobs that would interact with the same database? Have you ever wanted to store...timestamp1526503380001
Spark on Sherlock
by Kilian Cavalotti
Apache Spark is now available on Sherlock, via the spark module: $ ml spark We also added some new documentation and example job scripts, so if you ever needed to run Spark jobs on Sherlock, please take a look at those and let us know...timestamp1522454340001
Sherlock welcomes Volta
by Sherlock Team
The Sherlock 2.0 cluster now features the latest generation of GPU accelerators: the NVIDIA Tesla V100. Each V100 GPU features 7.8 TFlops of double-precision (FP64) performance, up to 125 TFlops for deep-learning applications, 16GB of...timestamp1522433700001
Tensorflow 1.7.0 now available
by Sherlock Team
Tensorflow 1.7.0, which features TensorRT integration, is now available on Sherlock 2.0. You can load it on Sherlock with: $ ml py-tensorflow/1.7.0_py27 > NB: As with all the other Tensorflow modules on Sherlock, Tensorflow 1.7.0...timestamp1522097579000
Sherlock 2.0 limits increased
by Sherlock Team
We started migrating compute nodes from Sherlock 1.0 to Sherlock 2.0, as part of the 2nd phase of the transition process described in the Sherlock 2.0 transition guide. That means that more nodes are now available on Sherlock 2.0, in...