Sherlock changelog

Introducing Boltz-1 on Sherlock

by Kilian Cavalotti, Technical Lead & Architect, HPC
We're pleased to announce the availability of Boltz-1, a new open-source molecular interactions AI model recently released by MIT.

A new tool to help optimize job resource requirements

by Kilian Cavalotti, Technical Lead & Architect, HPC
It’s not always easy to determine the right amount of resources to request for a computing job. Making sure that the application will have enough resources to run properly, but avoiding over-requests that would make the jobs spend too much

ClusterShell on Sherlock

by Kilian Cavalotti, Technical Lead & Architect, HPC
Ever wondered how your jobs were doing while they were running? Keeping a eye on a log file is nice, but what if you could quickly gather process lists, usage metrics and other data points from all the nodes your multi-node jobs are running

Keep up to date with software updates

by Kilian Cavalotti, Technical Lead & Architect, HPC
To help users stay on top of software changes on Sherlock, we’ve recently introduced a new software updates RSS feed. It’s available from the Sherlock software list page, and you can directly add it to your RSS reader of choice. And if

Secure TensorBoard sessions with Sherlock OnDemand

by Kilian Cavalotti
If you're into machine learning (and who isn't these days?), you probably know all about TensorBoard already. If you don't, TensorBoard is TensorFlow's visualization toolkit. It provides the visualization and tooling needed for machine...

Module versions get a facelift

by Kilian Cavalotti
If you're a Sherlock user who often needs to load specific module versions, but don't care or can't remember specific minor version numbers, you're in luck! Starting today, Sherlock allows loading modules via an extended default system...

Sherlock goes container-native

by Kilian Cavalotti
In recognition of the fast-moving software landscape and the emerging needs of our users, we're pleased to announce, from the SC18 Supercomputing conference in Dallas, TX, that Sherlock is going container-native. Starting today, users...

Persistent processes on Sherlock

by Kilian Cavalotti
There are many cases where having a persistent process (or service) running alongside computing jobs is of great benefit. For instance, when data is stored in a database format to allow for highly efficient queries, jobs that want to...