almost 7 years ago
SRCF Reboot
by Kilian Cavalotti
A shutdown of the Stanford Research Computing Facility (SRCF) is planned for Labor Day weekend, Saturday through Monday, September 1-3, due to the need for power system maintenance. We will bring Sherlock down on Friday evening, August...almost 7 years ago
Spark on Sherlock
by Kilian Cavalotti
Apache Spark is now available on Sherlock, via the spark module: $ ml spark We also added some new documentation and example job scripts, so if you ever needed to run Spark jobs on Sherlock, please take a look at those and let us know...almost 7 years ago
Sherlock welcomes Volta
by Sherlock Team
The Sherlock 2.0 cluster now features the latest generation of GPU accelerators: the NVIDIA Tesla V100. Each V100 GPU features 7.8 TFlops of double-precision (FP64) performance, up to 125 TFlops for deep-learning applications, 16GB of...almost 7 years ago
Tensorflow 1.7.0 now available
by Sherlock Team
Tensorflow 1.7.0, which features TensorRT integration, is now available on Sherlock 2.0. You can load it on Sherlock with: $ ml py-tensorflow/1.7.0_py27 > NB: As with all the other Tensorflow modules on Sherlock, Tensorflow 1.7.0...almost 7 years ago
New software modules
by Sherlock Team
If you haven't checked in a while, we're continuing to add more software modules on Sherlock 2.0. Among many others, the following additions will be of particular interest to the bioinformatics and genomics communities: star cufflinks...about 7 years ago
Next scheduled maintenance: Jan. 31
by Sherlock Team
Sherlock 2.0 will not be available on Wednesday, January 31st, 2018 from 8:00am to 2:00pm System maintenance and upgrades will be performed during this time. Access to Sherlock 2.0 will be unavailable, logins will be disabled and jobs...about 7 years ago
New login nodes
by Sherlock Team
Two new login nodes, sh-ln03 and sh-ln04 are now available to connect to Sherlock 2.0. They've been added to the load-balanced DNS pool and will automatically be selected according to their load and the number of currently logged-in...over 7 years ago
Next scheduled maintenance: Dec. 12
by Sherlock Team
Sherlock 2.0 will not be available on Tuesday, December 12th, 2017 from 8:00am to 2:00pm System maintenance and upgrades will be performed during this time. Access to Sherlock 2.0 will be unavailable, logins will be disabled and jobs...over 7 years ago
Next scheduled maintenance: Sept. 20
by Sherlock Team
Sherlock will not be available on Wednesday, September 20 2017 between 9:00 am and 2:00 pm. System maintenance and upgrades will be performed during this time. Access to Sherlock will be unavailable, logins will be disabled and jobs won...