about 7 years ago
New software modules
by Sherlock Team
If you haven't checked in a while, we're continuing to add more software modules on Sherlock 2.0. Among many others, the following additions will be of particular interest to the bioinformatics and genomics communities: star cufflinks...about 7 years ago
GPU compute modes
by Sherlock Team
We developed a new extension to allow users to change the compute mode of the GPUs allocated to their jobs. By default, GPUs are set in the "Exclusive Process" mode for best performance and ensure that only one process can use the GPU...about 7 years ago
New login nodes
by Sherlock Team
Two new login nodes, sh-ln03 and sh-ln04 are now available to connect to Sherlock 2.0. They've been added to the load-balanced DNS pool and will automatically be selected according to their load and the number of currently logged-in...over 7 years ago
RSS feed
by Sherlock Team
To make it even easier to follow news and updates, the Sherlock Changelog now supports RSS feeds! Just add the following URL to your favorite RSS reader: > https://news.sherlock.stanford.edu/feeds and be sure to never miss an update...over 7 years ago
Cron jobs on Sherlock
by Sherlock Team
Cron jobs are not supported on Sherlock, and going forward they won't be allowed anymore. Due to various past incidents, we had to disable the functionality, to prevent runaway cron jobs to take out entire login nodes. Moreover, compute...over 7 years ago
Slurm version update
by Sherlock Team
Slurm has been updated to version 17.02.7. Full changelog is available hereover 7 years ago
Search fix on the documentation website
by Sherlock Team
We're glad if you didn't notice, but in case you did, the Search feature on the documentation pages had some issues when searching for complete or capitalized words. It's all fixed now, so you can open the search box (a simple key press...over 7 years ago
New $SHERLOCK environment variable
by Sherlock Team
As users start trying out their job submission and application scripts on Sherlock 2.0, we figured it would be useful to easily determine on which platform those scripts are running. So we've added a new $SHERLOCK environment variable...over 7 years ago
New Lustre routers in production
by Sherlock Team
Two new Lustre routers have been put in production on Sherlock 2.0, one to serve /scratch, and the other one to serve /oak. Immediate benefits will be higher availability of the filesystems on Sherlock 2.0 clients, and doubled bandwidth...