almost 6 years agoA better view at Sherlock's resourcesby Kilian CavalottiSchedulerImprovementNewHow many jobs are running? What partitions do I have access to? How many CPUs can I use? Where should I submit my jobs? Any of those sound familiar? We know it's not always easy to navigate the native scheduler tools, their syntax, and...
almost 6 years agoWhen setting an environment variable gives you a 40x speedupby Kilian CavalottiBlogImprovementToday, we'd like to share some of our recent work on Sherlock that allowed a pretty significant speedup when listing files in directories with a lot of entries. > Unlike our usual announcements, this post is more of a behind-the-scenes...
over 6 years agoPersistent processes on Sherlockby Kilian CavalottiThere are many cases where having a persistent process (or service) running alongside computing jobs is of great benefit. For instance, when data is stored in a database format to allow for highly efficient queries, jobs that want to...
over 6 years agoBetter error messages when submitting jobsby Kilian CavalottiSherlock now offers a better and more complete explanation when a job submission is rejected by the scheduler. What does it look like? In the most common cases, jobs that don't meet the requirements for the partition they're submitted...
over 6 years agoHigh priority QOS for ownersby Kilian CavalottiToday, we're introducing a new high-priority QOS for owner partitions. In groups which have purchased their own compute nodes on Sherlock, users can now submit jobs to their group partition using the --qos=high_p option: it will give...