Sherlock changelog

Tracking NFS problems down to the SFP level

by Kilian Cavalotti
When NFS problems turn out to be... not NFS problems at all.

Sherlock is hard at work against COVID-19

by Kilian Cavalotti
About a month ago, we announced that we were dedicating a portion of Sherlock's computing resources to research projects around COVID-19. Since then, more than 15 PIs and research groups have reached out to share their projects, and...

Adventures in storage

by Kilian Cavalotti
_This is part of our blog series about behind-the-scenes things we do on a regular basis on Sherlock, to keep it up and running in the best possible conditions for our users. Now that Sherlock's old storage system has been retired, we...

When setting an environment variable gives you a 40x speedup

by Kilian Cavalotti
Today, we'd like to share some of our recent work on Sherlock that allowed a pretty significant speedup when listing files in directories with a lot of entries. > Unlike our usual announcements, this post is more of a behind-the-scenes...

You can now subscribe to Sherlock news and updates

by Kilian Cavalotti
You can now subscribe to Sherlock news and updates, and automatically receive an email notification when a new post is published here. To subscribe to Sherlock updates, follow the steps below: go to

Tensorflow 1.7.0 now available

by Sherlock Team
Tensorflow 1.7.0, which features TensorRT integration, is now available on Sherlock 2.0. You can load it on Sherlock with: $ ml py-tensorflow/1.7.0_py27 > NB: As with all the other Tensorflow modules on Sherlock, Tensorflow 1.7.0...

Sherlock 2.0 limits increased

by Sherlock Team
We started migrating compute nodes from Sherlock 1.0 to Sherlock 2.0, as part of the 2nd phase of the transition process described in the Sherlock 2.0 transition guide. That means that more nodes are now available on Sherlock 2.0, in...

Slurm version update

by Sherlock Team
Slurm has been updated to version 17.02.7. Full changelog is available here

Search fix on the documentation website

by Sherlock Team
We're glad if you didn't notice, but in case you did, the Search feature on the documentation pages had some issues when searching for complete or capitalized words. It's all fixed now, so you can open the search box (a simple key press...