almost 7 years ago
Tensorflow 1.7.0 now available
by Sherlock Team
Tensorflow 1.7.0, which features TensorRT integration, is now available on Sherlock 2.0. You can load it on Sherlock with: $ ml py-tensorflow/1.7.0_py27 > NB: As with all the other Tensorflow modules on Sherlock, Tensorflow 1.7.0...almost 7 years ago
Sherlock 2.0 limits increased
by Sherlock Team
We started migrating compute nodes from Sherlock 1.0 to Sherlock 2.0, as part of the 2nd phase of the transition process described in the Sherlock 2.0 transition guide. That means that more nodes are now available on Sherlock 2.0, in...about 7 years ago
New software modules
by Sherlock Team
If you haven't checked in a while, we're continuing to add more software modules on Sherlock 2.0. Among many others, the following additions will be of particular interest to the bioinformatics and genomics communities: star cufflinks...about 7 years ago
GPU compute modes
by Sherlock Team
We developed a new extension to allow users to change the compute mode of the GPUs allocated to their jobs. By default, GPUs are set in the "Exclusive Process" mode for best performance and ensure that only one process can use the GPU...about 7 years ago
Next scheduled maintenance: Jan. 31
by Sherlock Team
Sherlock 2.0 will not be available on Wednesday, January 31st, 2018 from 8:00am to 2:00pm System maintenance and upgrades will be performed during this time. Access to Sherlock 2.0 will be unavailable, logins will be disabled and jobs...about 7 years ago
New login nodes
by Sherlock Team
Two new login nodes, sh-ln03 and sh-ln04 are now available to connect to Sherlock 2.0. They've been added to the load-balanced DNS pool and will automatically be selected according to their load and the number of currently logged-in...over 7 years ago
Next scheduled maintenance: Dec. 12
by Sherlock Team
Sherlock 2.0 will not be available on Tuesday, December 12th, 2017 from 8:00am to 2:00pm System maintenance and upgrades will be performed during this time. Access to Sherlock 2.0 will be unavailable, logins will be disabled and jobs...over 7 years ago
Next scheduled maintenance: Sept. 20
by Sherlock Team
Sherlock will not be available on Wednesday, September 20 2017 between 9:00 am and 2:00 pm. System maintenance and upgrades will be performed during this time. Access to Sherlock will be unavailable, logins will be disabled and jobs won...over 7 years ago
RSS feed
by Sherlock Team
To make it even easier to follow news and updates, the Sherlock Changelog now supports RSS feeds! Just add the following URL to your favorite RSS reader: > and be sure to never miss an update...