over 7 years agoSlurm version updateby Sherlock TeamSlurm has been updated to version 17.02.7. Full changelog is available here
over 7 years agoSearch fix on the documentation websiteby Sherlock TeamWe're glad if you didn't notice, but in case you did, the Search feature on the documentation pages had some issues when searching for complete or capitalized words. It's all fixed now, so you can open the search box (a simple key press...
over 7 years agoNew $SHERLOCK environment variableby Sherlock TeamAs users start trying out their job submission and application scripts on Sherlock 2.0, we figured it would be useful to easily determine on which platform those scripts are running. So we've added a new $SHERLOCK environment variable...
over 7 years agoNew Lustre routers in productionby Sherlock TeamTwo new Lustre routers have been put in production on Sherlock 2.0, one to serve /scratch, and the other one to serve /oak. Immediate benefits will be higher availability of the filesystems on Sherlock 2.0 clients, and doubled bandwidth...
over 7 years agoSlurm updateby Sherlock TeamSlurm has been updated to version 17.02.5. The full changelog is available here. Of particular interest is a fix for a problem that affected users submitting jobs to multiple partitions on Sherlock 2.0, and who could receive errors...
almost 8 years agoSlurm updateby Sherlock TeamSlurm has been updated to version 17.02.4. Full changelog is available here
almost 8 years agoNew Slurm versionby Sherlock TeamSlurm has been updated to version 17.02.2. Main changes include: SSH sessions to the nodes while a job is running will now be correctly inherit the job limits quicker scheduling of interactive jobs support for PMIx job launcher Full...