over 7 years agoNew Lustre routers in productionby Sherlock TeamTwo new Lustre routers have been put in production on Sherlock 2.0, one to serve /scratch, and the other one to serve /oak. Immediate benefits will be higher availability of the filesystems on Sherlock 2.0 clients, and doubled bandwidth...
almost 8 years agoMore software availableby Sherlock TeamNew software has been installed on Sherlock 2.0: biology Module | Version | Category | URL :--- | :------ | :------- | :--- mrtrix|0.3.16|neurology|http://www.mrtrix.org afni|17.1.03|neurology|https://afni.nimh.nih.gov freesurfer|6.0...
almost 8 years agoNew software availableby Sherlock TeamThe following new software modules are available on Sherlock 2.0: devel Module | Version | Category | URL :--- | :------ | :------- | :--- gcc|6.3.0|compiler|http://gcc.gnu.org ifort|2017.u2|compiler|https://software.intel.com/en-us...
almost 8 years agoSherlock 2.0 is here!by Sherlock TeamWe're very glad to announce that the long wait is finally over: Sherlock 2.0 is now available for testing! Currently available to a restricted group of users for beta-testing, the new cluster is expected to enter full production in the...
about 8 years agoWe're starting a changelog! by Sherlock TeamBig news today: we're starting a changelog for Sherlock! 👍 With the advent of the new Sherlock, we thought it could be good to keep you all, Sherlock's faithful users, up to date with all the updates, improvements and fixes that happen...