Tracking NFS problems down to the SFP level
by Kilian Cavalotti
When NFS problems turn out to be... not NFS problems at all.
Sherlock facts
by Kilian Cavalotti
Ever wondered how many compute nodes is Sherlock made of? Or how many users are using it? Or how many Infiniband cables link it all together? Well, wonder no more: head to the Sherlock facts page and see for yourself! > hint: there are...
Sherlock is hard at work against COVID-19
by Kilian Cavalotti
About a month ago, we announced that we were dedicating a portion of Sherlock's computing resources to research projects around COVID-19. Since then, more than 15 PIs and research groups have reached out to share their projects, and...timestamp1576261740001
Secure TensorBoard sessions with Sherlock OnDemand
by Kilian Cavalotti
If you're into machine learning (and who isn't these days?), you probably know all about TensorBoard already. If you don't, TensorBoard is TensorFlow's visualization toolkit. It provides the visualization and tooling needed for machine...
Adventures in storage
by Kilian Cavalotti
_This is part of our blog series about behind-the-scenes things we do on a regular basis on Sherlock, to keep it up and running in the best possible conditions for our users. Now that Sherlock's old storage system has been retired, we...timestamp1572984000001
More (and easier!) GPU scheduling options
by Kilian Cavalotti
GPU scheduling is now easier and more powerful on Sherlock, with the addition of new job submission options especially targeted at GPU workloads. The most visible change is that you can now use the --gpus option when submitting jobs...
Next scheduled maintenance: Oct. 16
by Kilian Cavalotti
In order to prepare future improvements of the parallel /scratch file system, as well as performing some required work on the scheduler, Sherlock will not be available during the following times: Wednesday, October 16th, 2019 - from 8...timestamp1560469140001
Easier connection to Sherlock's DTNs
by Kilian Cavalotti
We know that easy access to data is essential, and that moving data around is a key part of every user's workflow on Sherlock. We also know that two-factor authentication (2FA) can sometimes get in the way, and hinder the ability to get...
A better view at Sherlock's resources
by Kilian Cavalotti
How many jobs are running? What partitions do I have access to? How many CPUs can I use? Where should I submit my jobs? Any of those sound familiar? We know it's not always easy to navigate the native scheduler tools, their syntax, and...