More scratch space for everyone!
by Kilian Cavalotti
Today, we're super excited to announce several major changes to the /scratch filesystem on Sherlock. What's /scratch already? /scratch is Sherlock's temporary, parallel and high-performance filesystem. It's available from all the...
Easier connection to Sherlock's DTNs
by Kilian Cavalotti
We know that easy access to data is essential, and that moving data around is a key part of every user's workflow on Sherlock. We also know that two-factor authentication (2FA) can sometimes get in the way, and hinder the ability to get...
When setting an environment variable gives you a 40x speedup
by Kilian Cavalotti
Today, we'd like to share some of our recent work on Sherlock that allowed a pretty significant speedup when listing files in directories with a lot of entries. > Unlike our usual announcements, this post is more of a behind-the-scenes...
Out with the old, in with the new!
by Kilian Cavalotti
It's been a little over five years since Sherlock first entered production and ran its first jobs. A lot of time has passed, and with it, Sherlock grew ten-fold, its user base exploded and technology trends evolved significantly. The...timestamp1550277300001
New GPU node available on Sherlock
by Kilian Cavalotti
There's a new GPU node in the gpu partition! It's notable for a list of reasons. This is the first node on Sherlock to feature both: the latest generation of Intel CPUs (Skylake), the latest generation of computing-optimized NVIDIA GPUs...
Sherlock welcomes Volta
by Sherlock Team
The Sherlock 2.0 cluster now features the latest generation of GPU accelerators: the NVIDIA Tesla V100. Each V100 GPU features 7.8 TFlops of double-precision (FP64) performance, up to 125 TFlops for deep-learning applications, 16GB of...timestamp1513709940001
New login nodes
by Sherlock Team
Two new login nodes, sh-ln03 and sh-ln04 are now available to connect to Sherlock 2.0. They've been added to the load-balanced DNS pool and will automatically be selected according to their load and the number of currently logged-in...timestamp1501262700001
GPUs now available on Sherlock 2.0
by Sherlock Team
The new gpu partition has just been open for production on Sherlock 2.0. It currently features two kinds of accelerators: NVIDIA Tesla P100-PCIe GPUs, for applications requiring double-precision (64-bit) and deep-learning training...timestamp1499466600001
New Lustre routers in production
by Sherlock Team
Two new Lustre routers have been put in production on Sherlock 2.0, one to serve /scratch, and the other one to serve /oak. Immediate benefits will be higher availability of the filesystems on Sherlock 2.0 clients, and doubled bandwidth...