about 4 years ago
Tracking NFS problems down to the SFP level
by Kilian Cavalotti
When NFS problems turn out to be... not NFS problems at all.
over 4 years ago
Sherlock facts
by Kilian Cavalotti
Ever wondered how many compute nodes is Sherlock made of? Or how many users are using it? Or how many Infiniband cables link it all together? Well, wonder no more: head to the Sherlock facts page and see for yourself! > hint: there are...
over 4 years ago
SH3_G4FP32 nodes are back in the catalog!
by Kilian Cavalotti
A new GPU option is available in the Sherlock catalog... again! After a period of unavailability and a transition between GPU generations, where previous models were retired while new ones were not available yet, we're pleased to...
over 4 years ago
New GPU options in the Sherlock catalog
by Kilian Cavalotti
Today, we're introducing the latest generation of GPU accelerators in the Sherlock catalog: the NVIDIA A100 Tensor Core GPU. Each A100 GPU features 9.7 TFlops of double-precision (FP64) performance, up to 312 TFlops for deep-learning...over 4 years ago
Sherlock 3.0 is here!
by Kilian Cavalotti
It's been a long, long, way too long of a wait, but despite a global pandemic, heatwaves, thunderstorms, power shutoffs, fires and smoke, it's finally here! Today, we're very excited to announce the immediate availability of Sherlock 3...
almost 5 years ago
Job #1
by Kilian Cavalotti
If you've been submitting jobs on Sherlock over the last couple days, you probably noticed something different about your your job ids... They lost a couple digits! If you submitted a job last week, its job id was likely in the 67,000...almost 5 years ago
Sherlock is hard at work against COVID-19
by Kilian Cavalotti
About a month ago, we announced that we were dedicating a portion of Sherlock's computing resources to research projects around COVID-19. Since then, more than 15 PIs and research groups have reached out to share their projects, and...about 5 years ago
Sherlock joins the fight against COVID-19
by Kilian Cavalotti
At SRCC, we've been monitoring the COVID-19 situation very closely, and we are following all of the University guidance and recommendations regarding social distancing and workplace adaptations. While we're continuing to operate our...
over 5 years ago
Secure TensorBoard sessions with Sherlock OnDemand
by Kilian Cavalotti
If you're into machine learning (and who isn't these days?), you probably know all about TensorBoard already. If you don't, TensorBoard is TensorFlow's visualization toolkit. It provides the visualization and tooling needed for machine...