Copyright © Sherlock changelogwww.sherlock.stanford.edu, 25 Mar 2023 01:16:33 GMT[email protected] (Sherlock)[email protected] (Noticeable Team) changelog, 25 Mar 2023 01:04:21 GMT[email protected] (Kilian Cavalotti)A new tool to help optimize job resource requirements’s not always easy to determine the right amount of resources to request for a computing job. Making sure that the application will have enough resources to run properly, but avoiding over-requests that would make the jobs spend too much time waiting in queue for resources they won’t be using.

To help users inform those choices, we’ve just added a new tool to the module list on Sherlock. ruse is command-line tool developed by Jan Moren which facilitates measuring processes’ resource usage. It periodically measures the resource use of a process and its sub-processes, and can help users find out how much resource to allocate to their jobs. It will determine the actual memory, execution time and cores that individual programs or MPI applications need to request in their job submission options.

You’ll find more information and some examples in the Sherlock documentation at

Hopefully ruse will make it easier to write job resource requests , and allow users to get a better understanding of their applications’ behavior to take better advantage of Sherlock’s capabilities.

As usual, if you have any question or comment, please don’t hesitate to reach out at [email protected].

It’s not always easy to determine the right amount of resources to request for a computing job. Making sure that the application will have enough resources to run properly, but avoiding over-requests that would make the jobs spend too much time waiting in queue for resources they won’t be using.

To help users inform those choices, we’ve just added a new tool to the module list on Sherlock. ruse is command-line tool developed by Jan Moren which facilitates measuring processes’ resource usage. It periodically measures the resource use of a process and its sub-processes, and can help users find out how much resource to allocate to their jobs. It will determine the actual memory, execution time and cores that individual programs or MPI applications need to request in their job submission options.

You’ll find more information and some examples in the Sherlock documentation at

Hopefully ruse will make it easier to write job resource requests , and allow users to get a better understanding of their applications’ behavior to take better advantage of Sherlock’s capabilities.

As usual, if you have any question or comment, please don’t hesitate to reach out at [email protected].

v7Gg5vpNIANw5U1jUsdFMon, 05 Nov 2018 22:36:00 GMT[email protected] (Kilian Cavalotti)Persistent processes on Sherlock, 09 Oct 2018 23:34:00 GMT[email protected] (Kilian Cavalotti)Running containers on Sherlock, 20 Jul 2018 21:36:00 GMT[email protected] (Kilian Cavalotti)MySQL on Sherlock, 16 May 2018 20:43:00 GMT[email protected] (Kilian Cavalotti)Spark on Sherlock